Fathers Are So Special

We are just a few weeks away from celebrating Father’s Day! Are you looking for some ideas of what to give your husband or father? Here are four free printables that you can use as cards, prints, or tags to go along with your other awesome ideas.

I would like to give a quick thank you to my father-in-law. We just got back from visiting my in-laws for the weekend, and I admire my father-in-law so much. He has been a spiritual rock for his children and has been a righteous priesthood holder in his home. He has raised 6 boys who are all returned missionaries, currently serving, or putting their papers in, as well as a righteous and virtuous daughter. He reads scriptures and prays with his family every day, and teaches them to honor their priesthood, be honest, and pay their tithing. Their home is a holy place filled with love and laughter, and he gives them praise, love, and confidence. He is a great man and I am so lucky to be married to his son!

What things have the father figures in your life taught you?

This first printable is a celebration of the best father ever! I have three “best fathers” ever: my husband, my daddy, and my father-in-law. (So, if you’re like me, you can cheat and give this one to all of them! Shh! I won’t tell!)

Download “Best Father Ever” here.

This next printable is a quote is by Elder L. Tom Perry, from his talk entitled “Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling.” This talk is very direct and reminds fathers that their role is divine, and that Satan is striving to destroy fathers and families. He reminds fathers that they must be leaders of righteousness in their homes. I loved this quote from his talk: “Fatherhood is leadership, the most important kind of leadership. It has always been so; it always will be so.”

Download “Fatherhood is Leadership” here.

The next printable is from a Primary song called “Fathers.” The chorus reflects how I feel about the fathers in my life. They really are so special, and so is the love they offer to their children. I am grateful for loving, righteous fathers who sacrifice so much to guide and protect their families.

Download “Fathers Are So Special” here.

And finally, this last printable is also from a Primary song. “My Dad” is how I want my kids to feel about my husband. I want them to learn honesty and unconditional love through their daddy’s example. I also want them to have so much fun with him and be the greatest of pals. 🙂

Download “Favorite Pal” here.
You can also click here to see 9 Father’s Day printables that I posted last year. Happy Father’s Day planning!

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